Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Born Yesterday

Time to get up.

We've all had our day to wallow.  We've all had the chance to blast social media with our feelings on the election results.  It's not productive, but it can be cathartic.  

Now is the time to pick up the pieces.  Now is the time to get up.  We cannot afford to wallow forever.  We cannot say, "It's all too much," and then go look at cat pictures and make memes for 4 years.  

Maybe we got complacent because things were getting better under Obama.  Maybe it seemed like were over some kind of hurdle, that we could relax.  

Turns out, it's just not true.  We are going to have to get up every day for the next 2 years until the mid-term elections and fight the good fight.  Then we're going to have to get  up every day for the next 2 years after that until 2020 and keep that fight going.  And then we're going to have to keep on, every day, for the rest of our lives standing up, defending our rights, and standing up to hatred, inequity, and regression.

We cannot allow our fear to rule us.  Fear is one of the reasons we're in this mess in the first place.  Things might go awry in the next four years, but instead of sitting back and complaining about how bad things might get, let's fight for what we can make right.  And let's try to keep it the Good Fight.  We don't want to sink to the level of immaturity we've seen during this campaign.  Let's keep it positive.  Let's try to focus on what we're fighting for.  We need to do it with a passion.  Instead of cursing the darkness, let's shine a light.